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Sewing Victorian Doll Clothes: Authentic Costumes from Museum Collections
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McCall’s Patterns M6258 Fashion Clothes for 11-Inch Doll, One Size Only
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Patterns of Fashion 3: The Cut and Construction of Clothes for Men and Women C. 1560-1620
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Designing Clothes with the Flat Pattern Method: Customize Fitting Shells to Create Garments in Any Style
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Simplicity Vintage Fashion Doll Clothing Outfits Sewing Patterns for 11.5” Dolls
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The Complete Photo Guide to Perfect Fitting
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Simplicity 9838 Sewing Pattern Fashion Doll Clothes
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The Medieval Tailor’
s Assistant, 2nd Edition: Common Garments 1100-1480
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Patterns of Fashion 1: Englishwomen’s Dresses and Their Construction C. 1660-1860
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Simplicity 1245 Vintage Fashion 18” Doll Clothes Sewing Pattern, One Size Only
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Creating Historical Clothes: Pattern cutting from Tudor to Victorian times
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Sew Today’s Fashions for 18-Inch Dolls: Full-Size Patterns for Clothing and Accessories
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Simplicity US8865OS Pattern S8865 11 1/2" Fashion Doll Clothes
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Patternmaking for Fashion Design
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SATINIOR Soft Printed Leggings 80s Style Neon Leggings Pants with Assorted Designs for Women and Girls
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